Why is Developing the VMO Key to Performance?

2018-07-04T16:30:53-07:00Mobility, Skill Acquisition, Skill Development, Strength, The What, Why, and How Series, Video|

What: What is the VMO? The VMO is one of the most important muscles to build and strengthen when it comes to being an o-line athlete. VMO stands for “vastus medialis oblique”, but most people know it as the teardrop [...]

Why Developing Proper Hip Hinge is Key to OL Development

2018-12-09T14:03:42-07:00Mobility, Skill Acquisition, Skill Development, Strength, The What, Why, and How Series, Video|

What is Hip Hinge? A proper hip hinge is the starting point for not only most athletic movements, but should be our go to loading sequence for our most commonly used day to day movements, such as sitting down and [...]

Corrective Strategies to Correct The Movement Flaw of  “Lifting with your Back”


  This is a problem occurs at some point in every gym. Someone is doing a Squat movement or a Deadlift. When coming out from the bottom, the hips raise up first, but the torso remains forward or falls forward [...]


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